Australian Model Railway Association Victorian Branch Inc
A0016975R ABN: 24 066 992 397
AGENDA - Jan 2014 - July 2014
Issued December 2013
Monthly Social Meetings are held at the
clubrooms on the Second Thursday
each month, commencing at 20:00 and finishing at 22:30. The clubrooms are open at 19:30 for operation
of HO trains on the club layout prior to the meeting.
Timetable operation on the “Stonnington
Valley” layout is held (unless the Note**
below applies) on the First Sunday
of each month commencing at 13:30 and finishing at 17:30, on the Saturday Following the Social Meeting of
each month from 12:30 until 17:00, on the Second
Friday Following the Social Meeting and the Last Friday of each month from 19:30 until 23:30. Waybill
Sessions are held on the Last
Saturday of each month from 11:30 until 17:30. DCC Running
is held on the Fourth Sunday of
each month from 13:30 until 17:30. UK operating sessions are held quarterly
on the First Friday from 19:30 until
DCC Themed Running Sessions will be held on
the Second Saturday Following the Social
Meeting after the afternoon session from 18.00 to 22.00.
Junior running days are held on the Second Saturday Following the Social Meeting
(except August) during school terms, or on Wednesdays during school holidays, from 10:00 until about 15:00.
Work nights on the club layouts are held each Tuesday at 19:30.
Daylighters are retired people and anyone else
interested in week-day attendance and operating the HO club layout. They meet
each Monday, or the Tuesday following a
public holiday, from 09:30 until 15:00.
If you wish to operate
your own HO rolling stock at these operating sessions it must be fitted with functional
Kadee couplers and all goods trains
must have a caboose, guard’s van or working flashing device indicating the rear of the train. You must be at the clubrooms at least 1/2
hour before starting time and, if there is an excess of rolling stock
available, each member is limited to two trains on the layout.
Large Scale Train Running on the Garden
Railway is held on the Sunday Following
the Social Meeting each month from 10:00 until 17:00.
**Note – Regularly scheduled activities (unless specifically mentioned) are not
held on Public Holidays or during Holiday Weekends. Changes from the last Agenda, Special
Activities or Variations from the
standard operating sessions are shown overleaf in bold
Entries in the Photographic and Modelling Competitions are judged at the Social
Meeting each month. There is no limit to the number of entries you may submit,
however only the print gaining the
highest number of points on a given night or the model gaining the highest number of points in a "standard
subject" will be credited to your annual score. Trophies will be awarded annually in both
competitions – Photographic (1) with
the winner being the entrant with the highest score over at least 3 different
photographic subjects – and Models (2),
Beginner and Open, with the winners being the entrants with the highest
aggregate score over at least 3 different “standard subjects” within a
Division. Models are Judged in 2
Divisions – Beginner and Open
– and 2 Sections – Scratchbuilt
(% of 100 points) and Kit or Modified Commercial
model (% of 75/100 points). There are 5 Standard Subjects for Models – Goods Rolling Stock (Feb &
July), Maintenance of Way (Mar & Aug), Passenger Rolling Stock (April &
Sept), Structure / Permanent Way / Diorama (May & Oct), Locomotive (June &
Nov), Open – any of the 5 Standard Subjects (Dec).
Changes to this Agenda will be announced at
Social Meetings and will be printed in State News in Journal. You may telephone
Ron Polistena (Secretary) on (03)97987609, or the organiser of the specific activity
as listed below. The Agenda is published
on the AMRA-VIC web site at and changes on
the blog site at
Monthly Social Meetings,
unless otherwise stated, are held at the clubrooms at 92 Wills Street, Glen
Iris 3146. (Melways ref 59 H7) and there is adequate parking in the railway car-parks
alongside and opposite the clubrooms. For
Layout Operating Sessions access is from the rear of the clubrooms via Kerford
Road (200 metres North of clubrooms) and the lane to the rear of the
property. Note Only limited
parking is available at the rear and alongside the clubrooms with two marked No
Parking areas.
JANUARY 2014 1 December 2013
(School Holiday 21/12-27/01)
5 SUN 1330-1730 Timetable
operation Australian prototypes (General)
8 WED 1000-1500 Junior
Running Day General-B.Y.O. Train
9 THU 1930-2230 Social
Meeting – Running
Night No
11 SAT 1230-1730 Timetable
Operation General- B.Y.O. Train
11 SAT 1800-2200 DCC
Operation UK Prototype
12 SUN 1000-1700 Garden
Rail Running (General)
17 FRI 1930-2330 Timetable
Operation USA prototype (Pre 1970)
18 SAT 1000-1500 Junior
Running Day General-B.Y.O. Train
25 SAT 1130-1730 Waybill Session General- B.Y.O. Train.
26 SUN 1330-1730 DCC
Operation General- B.Y.O. DCC
31 FRI 1930-2330 Timetable
Operation Dutch prototype- (General)
2 SUN 1330-1730 Timetable Operation USA Prototypes (General)
7 FRI 1930-2330 Timetable Operation UK Prototype (General)
8 SAT 1000-1500 Junior Running Day General- B.Y.O.Train
13 THU* 1930-2230 Social
Meeting- London Underground After hours Model
- Goods Rolling Stock Photo - Station clock.
15 SAT 1230-1730 Timetable
Operation General- B.Y.O. Train
15 SAT 1800-2200 DCC
Operation USA Prototype
16 SUN 1000-1700 Garden
Rail Running (General)
21 FRI 1930-2330 Timetable
Operation Australian prototype (Steam)
22 SAT 1130-1730 Waybill
DCC Session General-B.Y.O. DCC Train
23 SUN 1330-1730 DCC
Operation General-B.Y.O. DCC Train
28 FRI 1930-2330 Timetable
Operation Swiss prototype - (General)
MARCH 2014
2 SUN 1330-1730 Timetable
Operation Australian prototypes (General)
13 THU 1930-2230 Social
Meeting – DCC Programming
Model – Maintenance of Way Photo
– New E Class Tram
15 SAT 1230-1730 Timetable
Operation General- B.Y.O. Train
15 SAT 1800-2200 DCC
Operation Australian Prototype
16 SUN 1000-1700 Garden Rail Running (General)
21 FRI 1930-2230 Timetable
Operation USA Prototype (Post 1970)
22 SAT 1000-1500 Junior
Running Day General- B.Y.O.Train
23 SUN 1330-1730 DCC
Operation General- B.Y.O. DCC Train
28 FRI 1930-2330 Timetable
Operation German Prototype
29 SAT 1130-1730 Waybill
Session General- B.Y.O. Train
APRIL 2014
(School Holiday 05/04-21/04)
6 SUN 1330-1730 Timetable Operation USA prototype (General)
9 WED 1000-1500 Junior
Running Day General-B.Y.O.Train
10 THU 1930-2230 Social
Meeting-European Railways
Model - Passenger
Rolling Stock Photo - Locomotive
12 SAT 1230-1730 Timetable
Operation General-B.Y.O.
12 SAT 1800-2200 DCC
Operation UK Prototype
13 SUN 1000-1700 Garden
Railway Running (General)
18 FRI 1930-2330 Closed GOOD FRIDAY
19 SAT 1000-1500 Closed EASTER SATURDAY
25 FRI 1930-2330 Timetable
Operation Austrian prototype (General)
26 SAT 1130-1730 Waybill
DCC Operation General-B.Y.O.
DCC Train
27 SUN 1330-1730 DCC
Operation General-B.Y.O. DCC Train
MAY 2014
2 FRI 1930-2330 Timetable
Operation UK Prototype (Steam)
4 SUN 1330-1730 Timetable
Operation Australian prototypes (General)
8 THU* 1930-2230 Social
Meeting – D.Kahl (Video) South Australian
Model – Structure/Permanent
Way/Diorama hoto – Climax locomotive
10 SAT 1230-1730 Timetable
Operation General-B.Y.O. train
10 SAT 1800-2200 DCC
Operation USA Prototype
11 SUN 1000-1700 Garden
Railway Running (General)
16 FRI 1930-2330 Timetable
Operation USA prototype (Pre 1970)
17 SAT 1000-1500 Junior
Running Day General-B.Y.O. Train.
25 SUN 1330-1730 DCC
Operation General-B.Y.O. DCC train
30 FRI 1930-2330 Timetable
Operation European Steam (General)
31 SAT 1130-1730 Waybill
Session General-B.Y.O. Train
JUNE 2014
1 SUN 1330-1730 Timetable
Operation USA prototypes (General)
12 THU 1930-2230 Social
Meeting – R.Lloyd Maryborough
Model – Locomotive Photo- Unprotected level crossing
14 SAT 1230-1730 Timetable
Operation General B.Y.O. train
14 SAT 1800-2200 DCC
Operation Australian Prototype
15 SUN 1000-1700 Garden
Railway Running (General)
20 FRI 1930-2330 Timetable
Operation NSW Prototype (General)
21 SAT 1000-1500 Junior
Running Day General-B.Y.O. Train
22 SUN 1330-1730 DCC
Operation General-B.Y.O. DCC Train
27 FRI 1930-2330 Timetable
Operation Dutch prototype (General)
28 SAT 1130-1730 Waybill
DCC Session General-B.Y.O. DCC Train
(School Holiday
JULY 2014
6 SUN 1330-1730 Timetable
Operation Australian prototypes (General)
10 THU 1930-2230 Social
Meeting – Pie Night and movie
Model – Goods
Rolling Stock Photo
– AMRA Vic Clubrooms
12 SAT 1230-1730 Timetable
Operation General-B.Y.O. Train
12 SAT 1800-2200 DCC
Operation UK Prototype
13 SUN 1000-1700 Garden
Rail Running (General)
18 FRI 1930-2330 Timetable
Operation USA Prototype (Steam era)
19 SAT 1000-1500 Junior
Running Day General-B.Y.O. train
25 FRI 1930-2330 Timetable
Operation Swiss prototype (General)
26 SAT 1130-1730 Waybill
Session General-B.Y.O. Train
27 SUN 1330-1730 DCC
Operation General-B.Y.O. DCC Train
* Includes Members Questions to committee -
February and May.
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